Jesus Christ Saves Global Outreach (JCSGO) Germany e.V.

JCSGO Germany

JCSGO Germany has 66 registered disciples with an average of 35 attendees during its Sunday Bible service. Our gathering place at Speyerer Straße creates an environment that is both welcoming and family-oriented.

We believe that everybody needs a place that brings connection with fellow believers, where Christians experience the presence of God and leave even more motivated to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ to their love ones, friends and to the outside world.

Our Sunday Service starts at 3 o'clock in the afternoon with songs of praise and worship - a lifestyle of love from the heart to our God. Singing to the Lord brings us into the presence and power of God and gives us the key that allows us to enter the sacredness of His glory.

We hold our Family Day every third Sunday of the month. This is our chance to fellowship with one another especially with members of other TPK groups outside Frankfurt who cannot attend the regular Sunday service.

Every Thursday at 7 in the evening is our Holy Spirit Night. Just come... listen... delight in the experience... and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

At JCSGO, we recognize the importance of youth and children ministries in the church because we want to see our young generation develops a more passionate relationship with Jesus. That is the reason why we also have Youth Church Service and Children’s Church on Sundays. Our youth mentor prepares lessons and organizes activities that guide and help our youth grow spiritually, take control, make positive decisions and address the challenges of the outside world with God-fearing attitude.

On the other hand, parents are also encouraged to bring their young children with them. We believe even our little ones can start developing a relationship with Christ at a young age. We offer ageappropriate biblical instructions, and lessons are planned and reinforced with songs, play and supervised activities.

We come to church to hear the Word - "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ" (Rom. 10:17). When we listen to the preacher, it is God speaking to His people giving us direction and comfort, for the Word is the fountain and source of light and life, spiritual and eternal. Ps. 119:2-3 says "Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek Him with their whole heart, who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!"

Visitors and guests, both young and old are welcome to join us in any of our gatherings. So we hope to see you on Sunday... take a peek at our temple of service... join our JCSGO family and experience the power of God's love.


What began as a Bible Study group became a registered Filipino religious organization in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Founded in 1994, the Philippine Missions Organization/Jesus Christ Saves Global Outreach-Germany has then since increased not only in number but in their commitment to the cause for which it was established.

Through Sunday Service, Bible Study, Discipleship Training, Summer Camp and many other activities, our Filipino brothers and sisters have grown in their knowlege and faith in the Lord. They have equipped and committed leaders to uphold their God-given vision: to sow the seed of the Gospel and to reap an abundant harvest of souls for Jesus Christ.

   I.   Our Vision: To SEEK and SAVE the lost, DISCIPLING them until
        they are established and TRAINING them for future
        leadership – TPK / G12

        `` Go therefore and make disciple of all nations,
        baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son
        and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe
        all things that I have commanded you, and lo, I am
        with you always, even to the end of the age.´´
         Matthew 28 : 19 – 20

        Aspects of JCSGO Vision In Comparison
        with the Ladder of Success:
               —    Go – WIN souls
               —    Make Disciples – CONSOLIDATE
               —    Teaching Them – DISCIPLESHIP

 II.   Our Purpose: To Love God and To Love People

III.   Our Goal: To Make Every Believer A Leader

IV.   Our Strategy: The Ladder of Success
         —    WIN - Evangelism
         —    CONSOLIDATE – Integration or Establishing
         —    DISCIPLE – Equipping through the School of Leaders
         —    SEND – Commissioning / Empowering

Who we are

     I.    Our Philosophy – We are BIBLE – PREACHING; CHRIST
          CENTERED; Non – Denominational, Non Traditional,
          Full – Gospel Spirit, Over – Flowing Church.

           —    The Bible is our ONLY and FINAL authority.
           —    We preach the Holy Bible. The Blood of Jesus and the
                   Blessed Hope in Christ.
           —    We do not ADD nor SUBSTRACT any WORDS and
                   CONTEXT of what the Bible says. ( Rev. 22: 18 – 19 )

    II.    We are an EVANGELISTIC CHURCH .


   IV.    We are a DISCIPLINED – CHURCH . ( Acts 11:29 )

     V.    We are a GRACE – FILLED CHURCH . ( Acts 11:25 )

    VI.    We are a BENEVOLENT CHURCH . ( Acts 11: 29 – 30 )

   VII.    We are a CHARISMATIC CHURCH . ( Acts 13: 1 - 2 )

  VIII.    We are an INTEGRATED CHURCH. ( Acts 13: 1 )

    IX.    We are a GIFTED CHURCH . ( Acts 13: 1 )

     X.     TEACHING and IMPARTING CHURCH . ( Acts 11: 26 )

    XI.    We are a PROPHETIC CHURCH . ( Acts 11: 27 – 30 )

   XII.    We are a WORSHIPPING CHURCH . ( Acts 13: 2 )

  XIII.    We are a PRAYING CHURCH. ( Acts 13: 2 )

   XIV.    We are a STRUCTURED CHURCH . ( Acts 13: 2 – 3 )

    XV.    We are an APOSTOLIC CHURCH . ( Acts 13: 3 )


  XVII.    We maintain a HIGH STANDARD of EXCELLENCE .
             ( Colossians 3: 17 )

XVIII.    We are a GOOD – STEWARD of God´s blessings,
             people and resources. We do not waste TIME. We maximize
             whatever resources we have.